How To Have Fun With Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" Button

Searching with Google can be fun too sometimes, see what you end up with by searching with these following keywords. Here’s how these tricks work:
  1. Type in the keywords 
  2. Hit I’m feeling lucky 
  3. Observe the result 
  4. Reset back to, try the next keyword
Watch the video posted below OR try the keywords yourself:

List of tricks in the video:

1. Keyword: gothic google
Press: I’m feeling lucky

2. Keyword: google bsd
Press: I’m feeling lucky

3. Keyword: ewmew fudd
Press: I’m feeling lucky

4. Keyword: xx- pig latin
Press: I’m feeling lucky

5. Keyword: xx- haxor
Press: I’m feeling lucky

6. Keyword: Find Chuck norris
Press: I’m feeling lucky

7. Keyword: g56gle
Press: I’m feeling lucky

8. Keyword: French military victories
Press: I’m feeling lucky

9. Keyword: elgoog
Press: I’m feeling lucky

10. Keyword: google gangsta
Press: I’m feeling lucky

11. Keyword: lol limewire
Press: I’m feeling lucky

12. Keyword: google gravity
Press: I’m feeling lucky

13. Keyword: google purple
Press: I’m feeling lucky

Yes, Google can be funny too!


  1. also google pink && google blue && google rainbow && goglgo && google pacman && google loco && google gangsta &&& google elmer fudd && xx-piglatin && google annoying

  2. Thanks alot. This helped...kinda.

  3. u iz da wost loozear hakr
