Current Date And Time In A PowerPoint 2010
There is a simple way to add date and time to PowerPoint slides. To Show Date and Time on a Slide in PowerPoint 2010 follow the steps:

Step 1: Open your PowerPoint document and got to the View tab on the Ribbon.

Step 2: Choose the Normal view.


Step 3: Click on the Insert tab

One of the most important parts of the computer is the RAM( Random Access Memory). Your information is stored in RAM before being accessed by any other part of the computer. You computers keep a part of the memory disk as virtual memory in case your RAM runs out or starts to slow down the computer. Virtual Memory is an option you can use to give your computer a "little extra" memory, which can help speed things up if most of your RAM is being used up. The only downside to this method is that your virtual memory uses space on your hard disk to give you that little bit extra speed. To change the virtual memory in windows follow these steps:

Step 1: Right click on My Computer and select Properties.


February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011

Apple has released a statement that the former CEO, co-founder and chairman of the board Steve Jobs has passed away. Jobs died at aged 56 from a rare form of pancreatic cancer since 2004.

Statement by Apple’s Board of Directors:
CUPERTINO, Calif. — We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today.
Steve’s brilliance, passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives. The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.
His greatest love was for his wife, Laurene, and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts.