How To Save A Word 2010 Document To Be Compatible With Word 97-2003

By default documents created in Microsoft Word 2010 is saved in .docx format. You need to convert docx documents into doc format to able to open them in previous version of MS Office software. You can use Microsoft Word 2010 program to save current document in different file format, other than default docx format.

So, just follow these simple steps to save your documents from .docx to .doc format.
Step 1: Click the File tab

Step 2: Click Save As.

new word to old format1

Step 3: In the Save as type list, Click Word 97-2003 Document. This changes the file format to .doc

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Step 4: In the File name box, type a name for the document.
Step 5: Click Save

Is there any way to open Microsoft Word 2010 & 2007 document (*.docx) in Microsoft Word 2003?

The answer is yes.
One way you can do that is by downloading Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, PowerPoint File Formats.
The other way is to download Word Viewer.


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