If you are still looking for a Google+ account then look no further. I am offering to sent Free invitations to anyone on first come first serve basis.
Here is a simple favour; I request you to do in return for the Google Plus invite,
- Subscribe to Nerds Realm by email using this link http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=NerdsRealm
- Go to the facebook page and like Nerds Realm: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nerds-Realm/102621576492602
- Third and last Post your Gmail id at the bottom of this post.
- (Optional) Why do you like to get google+?
I will check all the requirements once a day and invite everyone. This service has sent out many Gmail invites when Gmail came out and now Google+ is here so don't miss out on this chance!
This service has sent out 15 invites already! (As of July 19, 2011)
This service has sent out 15 invites already! (As of July 19, 2011)